Monday, October 8, 2012

Eleventh Pen

      My next pen is made from Cherry and Maple.  In fact, my next few pens are made from Cherry and Maple because that was the wood I had the most of.  For this design I took the idea of cutting two blanks at an angle along the length and took it a step farther. First I made a Cherry blank and a Maple blank.  Then I cut those two down the middle and glued a Cherry half to a Maple half and vise versa.  After they had dried I cut them at an angle from top left to bottom right, the same way I did in pen number five, using the same measurements.  I then matched the halves back up so that the woods mirrored each other on opposite sides of the pen.  The woods form an X intersection where they meet.  You can kind of see this in the picture, but it is bury and not at the best angle.  I should have taken another one. 
    I discovered when you go to clamp the halves together after the angled cut, they tend to slide apart.  This didn't matter too much during pen number five, but since I was going for that nice X intersection I had to be careful.  The intersections still aren't as nice as I'd like them to be.  You also get the neat curve going around the pen where the edges meet.

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